
Grade Levels, Class Sizes, And School Hours

What grade levels are offered at Lincoln Christian School?

A student can become a Lincoln Bulldog at the age of 3. Lincoln Christian School offers a 3-Year-Old (3YO) program through 12th grade. 3-year-olds and Pre-K are our preschool program, and classes are located in the lower elementary school building. Kindergarten through 4th grade classes are part of our elementary school. Intermediate Elementary (5th-6th grades) classes are part of the upper elementary located in the Oneighty building. Our middle school (7th–8th grades) and high school (9th–12th grades) are both located in our secondary classroom building.

What is your student-to-teacher ratio?

Smaller class sizes allow teachers to more effectively communicate with and instruct their students. For this reason, we endeavor to maintain the following student-to-teacher average ratios:

  • 3YO (14:3)
  • Pre-K (12:2)
  • Kindergarten (16:1)
  • 1st-4th grade (18:1)
  • 5th–6th grade (19:1)
  • 7th-8th grade (18:1)
  • 9th–12th grade (18:1)

What is the length of the school day, and how are the classes structured?

Classes are held five days a week for two 18-week semesters. Middle School and High School are on an A/B alternating schedule, and students attend 4 classes per day on both A and B days along with a 40-minute academic time daily. Our kindergarten program is a full-day program. Our 3YO and Pre-K students have a 2, 3 and 5 day option and come to class from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., but actual instruction will only take place between 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. so that parents who wish for their child to have a shortened day may do so.

  • 3YO & Pre-K: (2/3/5 day option) Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM – 2:30 PM
  • Kindergarten-4th grade: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM
  • 5th-6th grade: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 2:55 PM
  • Middle & High School: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 3:10 PM

Who will be my child’s teacher?

Families of enrolled students are notified about placement through email prior to “Meet Your Teacher / Schedule Pick-Up” day before school begins.

Admission Requirements

Do families have to attend Church on the Move to enroll in Lincoln Christian School

No. We do ask that you faithfully attend and participate in scheduled services at Church on the Move or a similar Bible-believing church and agree to support the COTM Statement of Faith as it is applied to instruction throughout the curriculum.

How old does a student need to be to enter the 3-year-old program, Pre-K, kindergarten or 1st grade?
  • 3-Year-Olds: 3 years old on or before August 1st
  • Pre-K: 4 years old on or before September 1st
  • Kindergarten: 5 years old on or before September 1st
  • 1st Grade: 6 years old on or before September 1st

What are the requirements for entrance to LCS?
  • Completed application and recommendation forms
  • 3YO playdate
  • Placement testing for Pre-K–12th grade (for those applicants without recent standardized testing scores and all homeschool applicants)
  • Successfully potty trained for 3YO & Pre-K students
  • Consistent family attendance and participation at primarily COTM or a similar Bible-believing church
  • Family interview with the LCS School Board
  • Payment of the enrollment fee upon acceptance

Do you have admissions testing?

Testing scores are just one of the items we evaluate as part of our application process to assist us in determining grade placement. We will test students that do not have recent standardized testing scores available. We also do a playdate for 3-year-olds and screening for Pre-K, kindergarten, and 1st grade applicants to verify that they are developmentally ready to begin a full-day program.

When is your open enrollment period?

Open enrollment for the next school year will begin in early November of the current year for preschool and elementary students (3YO-4th grades) and February 1 for Intermediate Elementary and above students.


What is the LCS Academic profile?

2019 Graduates Attending Post-Secondary Schools: 95% (49% to a 4-year college, 43% to a 2-year college, 3% to a Technical school and 5% on Internship)

  • Scholarship funds offered to the LCS Class of 2019: $7,900,00.
  • Average Senior GPA: 3.735
  • Average Classroom Size: 15.2
  • Average ACT Composite: LCS Class of 2020=23.29, State Average = 19.3, National Average = 20.9
  • AP Classes Offered: US History, Chemistry, Calculus, English, and Biology
  • Other Classes offered: English 9-12, OK History, US History, Government, World History, Economics, Algebra I, II, III, Geometry, Pre Calc/Trig, Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Anatomy & Physiology, Spanish I & II, Theater, Praise & Worship /Vocal Music, Band, Guitar, Piano, Yearbook, Physical Education, Accounting, Bible, Art, Advanced Art, Independent Art, Public Speaking, Multimedia, Advanced Multimedia, STEAMM, Computer Science.
  • College: LCS students have been accepted at Princeton, Yale, Pepperdine, The United States Air Force Academy, The US Naval Academy, US Military Academy, TU, OU, OSU, ORU, University of Arkansas, Central Arkansas, SMU, Palm Beach Atlantic University in Florida, VMI, OBU, Oklahoma Wesleyan, Evangel College, RSU, NSU, UCO, SNU, NEO, and TCC
  • Graduation Requirements (26 Total Credits): 4 Language Arts, 4 Bible, 3 History/Social Studies, 2 Physical Education, 3 Math, 1 Art, 3 Science, and 6 Additional
  • Accreditation: Lincoln Christian School is fully accredited with both the International Christian Accrediting Association (ICAA) and AdvancEd. We are also a member in good standing with Oral Roberts University Educational Fellowship. ICAA is currently recognized by the State of Oklahoma and is also approved for full membership in the National Council for Private School Accreditation (NCPSA), a national consortium for the recognition of qualifying private school accrediting associations in the United States. We are also a member of the Oklahoma Secondary School Athletic Association.

Extracurricular Activities

Are you a member of the Oklahoma Secondary School Activities Association (OSSAA)?

The Lincoln Bulldogs became an OSSAA member school effective at the beginning of the 2007-2008 school year.

Will my child be eligible for athletic competition if he/she transfers to LCS?

According to OSSAA rules, transfer students are ineligible for varsity competition for a period of 365 days after transferring to a new school. During that time, students are eligible to compete at or below the junior varsity level. Only students that live in our school district would be immediately eligible for varsity level competition.

What are the boundaries of your school district?

Lincoln Christian School has a small geographic district with the following boundaries: from Pine Street, south on 129th E. Avenue to 51st Street, east to 193rd E Avenue, north to 41st Street, west to 145th E Avenue, north to Pine Street, west to 129th E Avenue.

What team sports do you have available?

As in all other areas, Lincoln Christian School endeavors to compete at the highest levels. Secondary sports offered are football, basketball, baseball, cross country, track, fastpitch softball, volleyball, cheerleading and tennis. Golf is also available at the high school level. Elementary sports include football, basketball, baseball, softball, volleyball and cheerleading.

What non-athletic activities do you offer?

Each student is encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities, and we offer a variety of options in order to appeal to different interests. Activities include National Honor Society, Safety Patrol, Spirit Week, High School Dances, Junior/Senior Prom, Homecoming, pep rallies, student government, educational field trips, Elementary art club and honor choir, Night of Fine Arts, music competitions, and musical and theater productions.

Do you have a Fine Arts program?

The exciting Fine Arts program at Lincoln Christian School includes everything from theater productions and dramatic plays to Jazz Band and choir competition. High school and middle school students have access to the 1,400-seat Oneighty auditorium and its performing arts stage. Every year students participate in music productions. Our Praise and Worship program leads many LCS on-campus events while our Vocal Choir continues to receive superior ratings from district, state, and invitational events. LCS also offers its students exceptional art classes with exhibit opportunities and field trips.

Biblical Instruction

What are the beliefs of Church on the Move and Lincoln Christian School?

Church on the Move is a non-denominational, charismatic church. Our Statement of Faith details our beliefs and the basis for what we teach in our Bible classes and chapel services.

How often do you have Bible classes and chapel services?

All elementary and secondary students have daily Bible classes. We also incorporate Biblical truths into every subject. All students participate in chapel services on a regular basis.

Will my child fit in if we don’t attend your church and youth group?

Although a large majority of our students are from COTM families, we do have a number of families from outside our church that have blended very well with our school culture. We always plan for new students at our school on an annual basis, and they historically have acclimated to the new environment and quickly made new friends.

Dress Guidelines

Do your students wear uniforms?

Lincoln Christian School employs school uniforms in their dress code guidelines. The primary purpose of uniforms is to give parents and students general guidelines for appropriate school clothing and appearance. More uniform information will be made available to the parents of students that are accepted for admission to LCS. The guidelines can be found here.

Do you provide before-school and after-school care and what are the hours?

Yes, before-school and after-school care are available to LCS families for an additional cost. Breakfast is not served during before-school care; children should be fed before arriving at school. A light snack will be served during the after-school care program.

  • Before-School Care: Monday - Friday, 7:00 - 8:00 AM
  • After-School Care: Monday - Friday, 3:35 - 6:00 PM

Before & After School Care (BASC)

Lunch Program

Do you provide a hot lunch program?

Lunches are catered in Monday through Friday for both elementary and secondary students. (Hot lunches will not be served for 3YO or Pre-K students. They will need to bring their lunch daily.)

How much do hot lunches cost? Lunches are available for $4.50 per day for secondary students and $4.00 per day for elementary students. We reserve the right to increase the lunch prices as needed, but ample notice will be given.

LCS Service Center

Where is the LCS Admissions and Enrollment Office located?

The LCS Service Center is located in the Church Offices Building, which is on the west side of our campus at 1003 N 129th E Avenue in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

What are the hours of operation for the LCS Admissions and Enrollment Office?

Hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with the exception of holidays. The LCS Service Center handles admissions inquiries, tuition, and fee payments, and all questions regarding school accounts should be forwarded to this office.

Is the LCS Admissions and Enrollment Office open during the summer?

Yes, the office is staffed year-round, except for a break at Christmas and certain holidays.

School Colors And Mascot

Are the LCS school colors and mascot symbolic?

Yes. The colors of Lincoln Christian School are crimson, gold, and black, each holding a special significance.

CRIMSON is the color of sacrifice and Christ’s redemptive blood, and it denotes the school’s basis in the Christian faith.

GOLD represents character, and at LCS we place godly character at the top of our priorities.

BLACK is the color of moral absolutes, and it reminds us to not compromise our faith or standards.

As the school’s mascot, the BULLDOG symbolizes character traits that we value – perseverance and tenacity.