
Harmful Substances Policy

Harmful Substances Policy

LCS implements a harmful substance policy to help students make good choices that are healthy and biblically based, and to have positive interactions in our community. We are blessed at LCS to have outstanding students and families that partner with us. Nevertheless, harmful substances are a real temptation and we believe it is important to do everything reasonable to ensure the safety and well-being of our students.


  1. Prevent injury, illness, and harm resulting from the use of harmful substances.
  2. Deter student use of harmful substances in the educational environment.
  3. Give students a valid reason to resist peer pressure to engage in substance use and abuse.
  4. Educate students regarding the harm caused by the use of harmful substances.

Prohibited Behavior

  • Harmful Substances: Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco, E-Liquids
    • The use, sale or offer to sell, purchase, distribution, manufacture, or possession in any manner of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, e-liquids, or any synthetic or “look-alike” substance by any student is strictly prohibited. Prescription medications are allowed if taken by a student in accordance with current prescription to the student by the student’s licensed physician.
  • Drug, Alcohol, Tobacco, E-Liquids Paraphernalia
    • The use, sale or offer to sell, purchase, distribution, manufacture, or possession of such paraphernalia by any student is strictly prohibited.

Harmful Substance Testing Policies

As part of its commitment to an educational environment free of harmful substances, all Lincoln students will be part of the LCS harmful substance testing program. Any new student gaining admission to LCS may also be required to test before enrolling. Frequency, method of specimen collection, and timing of drug testing will be at the discretion of LCS administration.

If a student refuses to submit to a harmful substance test authorized under this policy or if a parent / guardian withdraws his/her consent to testing under this policy, such student will be subject to disciplinary action and shall not be eligible to participate in any extracurricular activities, including all meetings, practices, performances, and competitions for up to eighteen (18) continuous and successive school weeks. Such suspension will extend into a succeeding school year if necessary to fulfill the suspension.

  • All Students Testing Policies
    • All secondary students are in the random harmful substance testing pool and may be tested at the discretion of LCS Administration. Additionally, parents may request a harmful substance test by contacting the appropriate school administrator. Testing for students through the random selection process will be done at no additional cost. Parents requesting testing will be charged any testing fees.

  • Athletics Testing Policies
    • It is the policy of LCS to test students for harmful substances as a prerequisite to participation in high school athletics. Testing is conducted upon the student's entrance into any athletic program and randomly thereafter.
  • Reasonable Suspicion Testing
    • Upon reasonable suspicion by a staff member or parent that a student has used, sold or offered to sell, purchased, distributed, manufactured, or possessed a harmful substance while at school or while at a school-sponsored or school-related activity, that student may be required to submit to a harmful substance test at any time. Reasonable suspicion may be based upon information provided by a reliable witness or by a staff member’s or parent’s personal observation concerning the appearance, speech, or behavior of the student.
    • A student found to have used, sold or offered for sale, purchased, distributed, manufactured, or possessed a harmful substance while on school grounds or while participating in or attending a Lincoln activity on or off LCS property shall fall under the same guidelines listed in the “Consequences for Positive Tests” outlined below.
    • A Reasonable Suspicion Drug Testing Form must be completed and submitted to LCS Administration that will contain information as to observations and/or information related to the Reasonable Suspicion claim.


By enrolling in Lincoln Christian School, the student and his or her parent(s) / guardian(s) consent fully to this Harmful Substance Policy.


All information relating to testing or the identification of persons as harmful substance users shall be protected by LCS as a confidential student record unless otherwise required by law or authorized in writing by the student or the student’s parent/guardian. Results of tests shall only be reported to the student, parents/guardians of the student, LCS administrator(s), and coach(es) and/or sponsor(s) involved.

Should a student who was suspended from participation in extracurricular activities or received other consequences under Lincoln Christian's harmful substance testing policy transfer to another school and seek to participate in extracurricular activities there, the administration shall indicate on the required OSSAA forms, if one is required, that the student was suspended from extracurricular activities and/or under disciplinary protocol for violating a school policy. The parent or guardian may be required by the new school to elaborate on the reasons for the suspension in order to be in good standing for admission to or to participate in extracurricular activities at that school.

Testing Procedures

Licensed professionals will conduct testing and lab work will be done at a certified lab. Students will be required to provide an industry-accepted biological sample which may include urine, hair, saliva, or some other biological sample that may be reliably tested to determine illegal drug usage. If appropriate for the test, the sample will be divided into two separate specimens and sealed, in the event a confirmation test is needed. Students and/or parents/guardians will have the opportunity to provide information concerning prescription medication being taken by the student, which might lead to an erroneous positive result.


LCS students’ who voluntarily self-report the personal use of a harmful substance to school personnel prior to testing notification may be considered by LCS administration for a reduced suspension. The student will still be subject to harmful substance testing.

Refusal to Test

Refusal to be tested will result in disciplinary action and may include dismissal from Lincoln Christian School.

Consequences for Positive Tests

The goal of any constructed action plan relating to positive tests or self-referrals is total restoration and a return to good standing as students are empowered and equipped to make sound decisions. All students who have a positive test must complete an LCS-approved harmful substance abuse counseling course. Program cost will be charged to the family. In addition, the severity of further consequences for a positive harmful substance test will be determined based on a variety of factors including, but not limited to, the following:

The student’s previous disciplinary history;

  1. The student’s previous test results;
  2. The parents’ and student’s cooperation with LCS to develop a plan of action designed to ensure that the student adopts a personal lifestyle choice to refrain from any further use of harmful substances; and
  3. The student’s success or failure at following the plan of action developed by the student, his or her family, and LCS.

Depending on the factors set forth above, LCS may implement, at its sole discretion, disciplinary consequences for a positive test result ranging from in- or out-of-school suspension from school (including suspension from extracurricular activities) to dismissal of the student from LCS. Consequences are cumulative. Any student testing positive for harmful substances will be removed immediately from participation in extracurricular activities pending re-testing and confirmation of test results at LCS's discretion.

Required Submission to Further Testing Upon Testing Positive

Any student testing positive will be removed from the random testing pool and will be required to be tested at the time of each random testing or more frequently as determined by administration up to a period of one calendar year from the date of the first offense. Costs of this will be at parents’ expense.


Definitions contained herein are provided only to assist in the interpretation of the harmful substance policy. In instances where these definitions conflict with definitions contained in the Student Honor Agreement or Student Handbook, the definitions contained in the Student Honor Agreement or Student Handbook shall prevail.

  • Activities--Interscholastic athletics, cheerleading, drill team, academic clubs, special interest clubs, musical performances, dramatic productions, student government, fine arts organizations, and any other activity or group that participates in contests, competitions, demonstrations, or community service projects on behalf of or as a representative of the district.
  • Good Standing--Having met the requirements in order to be able to pursue all educational and extracurricular activities as are available, with no restrictions or consequences.
  • Harmful Substance --Any drug which is not legally obtainable; any drug which is legally obtainable, but has not been legally obtained; any prescribed medication being used by a student other than the student for whom it was prescribed or in a manner other than the manner or purpose for which it was prescribed purpose; any over the counter drug being used at a dosage level different than recommended by the manufacturer, being used for a purpose not in accordance with bona fide medical therapy; and any otherwise legal substance (e.g., paint, glue, household or industrial chemicals, etc.) being used for intoxicating or mind-altering effect.
  • Possession--The presence of any detectable amount of a harmful substance, whether on the person, their personal or assigned property, or in the body system.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is this policy being revamped?

  • We recognize changing social pressures and the harmful implications they can have on our students. We are entrusted with the safety and well-being of our students and we partner with parents and the church to help them develop a faith of their own amidst social and cultural pressure, and making life decisions that will honor God and enhance their faith journey.

How does it differ from what was previously in place?

  • This policy will allow us to work more proactively to restore students to healthier attitudes and behavior. It also allows us to more actively prepare students to resist temptations during a challenging time in their lives. Finally, it allows us to work closer in our partnership with parents to help their students deal with the consumption of harmful substance pressures while still maintaining our standards of character.

Does this mean you have a substance problem in the school?

  • No. This is a proactive, not a reactionary approach and policy. We recognize society’s pressure on our students and the possibility of substance abuse pressure that can reach any child today. We want to help students prevent problems before they happen. This added accountability is another tool to enable our students to resist pressures when they occur, while offering a way to remain enrolled.

How will this be communicated to students in a way that doesn’t convey a distrust in their ability to make the right decisions or live up to their own convictions or agreements they have signed?

  • As stated, this is not a policy for punishment or lack of trust. This is the realization that students are under a higher level of pressure and influence than ever. We are here to walk beside them and you, while holding them accountable, to offer new support. If they make one bad choice in this area, there will be consequences, but we will also work with them and their families to help them get the support they need to immediately stop behavior that is dangerous to them.

What students / grades are involved?

  • All LCS students are eligible.

Are there other occasions when students will be tested in addition to the random selection?

  • Yes. Upon reasonable suspicion by a staff member or parent that a student has used, sold or offered to sell, purchased, distributed, manufactured, or possessed a harmful substance while at school or while at a school-sponsored or school-related activity, that student may be required to submit to a substance test at any time. A student found to have possessed, distributed, used, or been under the influence of a harmful substance while on school grounds or while participating in or attending a Lincoln activity on or off LCS property shall fall under the same guidelines listed in the Consequences for Positive Tests outlined below.

What is the analysis process and how can I know it is reliable? What is the Collection process?

  • Any harmful substance test will be administered by or at the direction of a professional laboratory chosen by the Lincoln Christian School Administration. The professional laboratory shall be required to use scientifically validated toxicological testing methods, have detailed written specifications to assure chain of custody of the specimens, and proper laboratory control and scientific testing. The collection of samples is directed by LCS Administrative designees which include the Athletic Trainer and/or school nurses.

How will you prevent the feeling of distrust or violation when the test is a false positive due to prescription drugs or other false alarms?

  • Testing is conducted to determine the presence of harmful substances. Students must declare any prescription drugs being taken when tested or taken in the last three months.

What happens if a student volunteers that he or she has a harmful substance problem?

  • LCS students who voluntarily self-report the personal use of a harmful substance to school personnel prior to testing notification, may be considered by LCS administration for a reduced suspension. The student will still be subject to harmful substance testing.

Will parents be notified when a student is selected or just if tests are positive?

  • Parents will be notified if test results are positive (harmful substances detected). An administrator will inform the parents via telephone. Following that phone conversation, the parents and student will be required to meet to discuss the plan of action.

What is the process for response and restoration if there is a positive test?

  • Restoration plans will follow this protocol: All students who have a positive test must complete an LCS-approved substance abuse counseling course. Program cost will be charged to the family. In addition, the severity of further consequences for a positive harmful substance test will be determined based on a variety of factors including, but not limited to, the following:
    • The student’s previous disciplinary history;
    • The student’s previous test results;
    • The parents’ and student’s cooperation with LCS to develop a plan of action designed to ensure that the student adopts a personal lifestyle choice to refrain from any further use of harmful substances; and
    • The student’s success or failure at following the plan of action developed by the student, his or her family, and LCS.
  • Depending on the factors set forth above, LCS may implement, at its sole discretion, disciplinary consequences for a positive test result ranging from in- or out-of-school suspension from school (including suspension from extracurricular activities) to dismissal of the student from LCS. Consequences are cumulative and there is no guarantee of continued enrollment. Any student testing positive for harmful substances will be removed immediately from participation in extracurricular activities pending re-testing and confirmation of test results at LCS's discretion.

If suspended from activities, who will know?

  • Students who test positive will be suspended from extracurricular activities. They may be suspended from trips or other activities to be determined at the sole discretion of the school. Teachers, coaches and sponsors will be informed of the suspension in order to support the student and be sensitive to what he/she is going through.

Who else will be notified of a positive test?

  • Only students, their parents and appropriate school staff and /or pastoral staff will be notified. Disclosure during counseling is required.

Will other students know when a student has tested positive?

  • Only if the student chooses to share that information. While the school will restrict disclosure of positive test results as provided at answers 12 and 13, it is possible that other students and staff may surmise a positive test when a student is barred from participation in extracurricular activities.

What are the details on the counseling/drug education process?

  • We will provide recommended internal and external counseling options that are appropriate. The external counseling goal is to develop a program that is most appropriate for the student.

What are the implications if the infraction took place over the summer or during breaks?

  • For current students, once they sign our Honor Agreement, they agree to abide by our lifestyle guidelines 24/7, on or off campus. This would include summers between school years. Tests conducted early in the school year would be considered valid.

What if I/we don’t want to comply or agree to this policy?

  • This is a policy that reflects the Honor Agreement families and students agree to when they enroll in Lincoln Christian School. Refusal to be tested will result in disciplinary action and may include dismissal from Lincoln Christian School.