
Dress Code FAQ

The level of respect we exhibit in our attire shows up in the classroom, hallways, and at school events. At Lincoln Christian School, we take school seriously, so we approach education by demonstrating respect for ourselves and respect for others in the way we dress. We are disciplined in our approach; therefore, our dress code reflects that discipline.

Check out the full dress code: LCS Dress Code


Q: Are ruffles or bows on jumpers or shirts approved?

A: No add-on style components (ruffles, bows, buckles, etc.) are permitted. Girls are required to wear shorts under a skirt or jumper.


Q: Are we able to purchase skirts from Athleta, Land’s End, or other shops that sell “uniform skirts?

A: Since C & J Uniforms is the standard guide for LCS uniforms, the skirt needs to mimic the box-pleat skirts sold at C & J in both style and material. A flag-front, ponte pleat, or flat front skirt does not meet the requirements.

Q: Are flat front golf shorts and flat front golf pants acceptable as uniform bottoms?

A: As long as the pants or shorts are flat front and mimic the style of those sold at C & J, they are acceptable.


Q: Are LCS logos of any size allowed on optional layers?

A: Yes, LCS logos of any size are allowed on crewneck sweatshirts and hoodies and may be worn with approved uniform bottoms any day of the week.


Q: If my child has a tattoo, are they allowed to wear short-sleeved shirts?

    A: Visible tattoos are not permitted; therefore, the tattoo will need to be covered with either a shirt or be wrapped.

    Q: If my child already has piercings, other than ears, may he/she wear a clear spacer?

    A: Students are not allowed to wear spacers in place of a piercing as this still constitutes a piercing.